Monday, December 25, 2006

Welcome to My Life

I'm kind of new to this whole blogging thing, but i really need a place to blow off some steam. I'm a teenage workaholic, and life really sucks. I have to study for tests weeks in advance, i read my notes every day, i give 120% to my schoolwork every time, whether it's needed or not. it has it's perks (good grades, my teachers love me, other students look up to me or are just jealous). but it mostly just sucks because i dont' feel normal. Most of this overactivity is due to my parents constantly pushing me and pushing me. Some of it is just my bookishness (i read about two books a week and i write poems and stories almost everyday). but then i wish i was normal. i only go to the movies about once every three months. i eventually see all of the really good movies out there, but only after it's out on DVD and everyone's done talking about it. i don't really hang out with friends very often, about once a month, maybe? even during break, i'll only see them like twice. School is pretty much the only time we really talk. it's where i hang out, i flirt with guys (i'm not allowed to go out until i'm 21), i become sociable. but i'm still just a geek.
Which is why i love winter break! we have block scheduling at my school, so some of my classes (we have four different classes each quarter, but some classes last for two quarters and not longer than that) are over. in fact, half of them are already over. I play in our school orchestra (viola), and that's the only class that will last all year long, and it will always be first period (we have four classes a day, and they are about 1 & 1/2 hours each). Honors Spanish III, Personal Finance, and Advanced Debate are all over for me. Starting in January, i have all of my core classes (which also sucks, because now my work load will be triple what it was). I have Honors Advanced Algebra, Chemistry, and Honors English. anyway, enough about our weird school system. i love our school breaks because there is no homework to worry about. there's nothing!!!! plus, i love Christmas. it's such a cheerful holiday (even though we didn't get any snow, which totally blows) and i love giving out presents. not to mention all the free time!! I sat down on YouTube and watched three Indian movies (Indian movies, which are actually musicals, are generally three hours long, each) back to back. i ate candy for my meals and it was just great. Then, the worst thing happened. One of the movies (the BEST of them) was taken off by the company that produced it when they found out because it was put on YouTube without their permission. i was planning on watching it tonight (again. yes, i have no life, but you already know that), so my evening just blows now. i practiced piano for a while (another one of my passions - my other passions include playing my viola, similar to a violin, reading good fiction books, writing poems and stories, and doing Indian Bollywood dancing), which kind of made my day better. Now i'm just sitting here, writing this novel of a blog, and probably boring you out of your mind. Oh, i should probably have given a proper introduction before delving into my personal, boring, life.
well, i guess it really isn't that bad. i have a social life at school and i'm really insane and fun loving (everyone's afraid of ever giving me sugar - someone gave me Red Bull in eighth grade as an experiment to see how crazy i could get - it was sooooo much fun!) I know at least a few of my guy friends want to ask me out. I sometimes do fun things at home, like watching nine hours of Indian movies (if you haven't guessed, I'm from India). My parents can be pretty cool sometimes, and we have our fun moments. but i still don't like how i can over-over achieve. and how i'm not like everyone else. i don't really have one group of friends. i kind of wander between several different groups of friends, so i'm not part of anything either. i'm on the school debate team, but i don't really have many friends there either. just really good teammates. i'm in orchestra, but i don't even know the names of half the kids (that might be because we have three different grade levels all in one class, so we don't really socialize). I'm also on the girls tennis team (another longtime passion of mine), but again, no friends there either. when it comes to mixing in, i'm something of an introvert. i stick to myself. but when i get together with a whole of lot of random friends from all sorts of groups, i get really crazy. i only have one or two really good friends, but i know i'm well liked in certain general groups. the problem is, those groups are not in the same activities that i do. and i really would like to be part of a team, enjoy team dinners and get togethers without feeling like i don't belong. is that too much to ask?
anyway, i'm kind of going off on different tangents, cuz i have so much to say all at once. later, i might actually get into day to day details, but for an introduction, i think this is ok.

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